
Research Institutes

The exchange and partnership programs with other foreign institutions allow undergraduate and graduate students to study abroad, an example which has been occurring lately. Furthermore, these partnerships permit researchers in Brazil to fulfill post doctorate internships in those institutions. Researchers from such institutions will likewise be able to fulfill doctorate and post doctorate internships in Brazil.

Bremen Institute of Production and Logistics (BIBA)

The Bremen Institute of Production and Logistics (BIBA) is a research institute of Bremen University, in Germany. The BIBA’s competences are centered on the development and application of methods for the planning and control logistics and production, with emphasis on: (i) the research, development, and application of information and communication technologies; (ii) the automation of logistic processes with the aid of innovative technologies; (iii) the development of solutions for dynamic and decentralized planning and control. The infrastructure available for running projects includes 1.000 m2 of facilities for testing new technologies and demonstrations to partners in the academic and industrial fields.

Companies which provide software solutions

Sundry strategic partnerships have been established with companies which supply computational tools. This way, the Laboratory has access to tools which are adequate to its goals.

  • Simio
  • PTV
  • Rockwell
  • XJ Technologies

University / Company Cooperation

For the development of research activities provided in the project, the cooperation with companies and professionals which act in practice will seek to suit the proposed solutions to the operativeness required for its real application. Likewise, the data and information obtained in field researches and case studies will endow the project’s development. This approach is a fundamental component for the promotion of innovations resulting from the scientific and technological project.

Funding Agencies
  • FAPESC – Foundation for Research and Innovation of the State of Santa Catarina
  • CAPES – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level –or Education- Personnel
  • CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
  • FINEP – Research and Projects Financing
  • DFG – German Research Foundation
  • DAAD – Brazil-Germany Academic Exchange
  • BMBF – Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • BMWI – Federal Ministry of Industry and Innovation